That's brilliant, I am most definitely going to try this.

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Yes!! I'm so glad to hear that! It's gotten a lot of attention lately 😂 actually planning to feature it again in this week's edition of the newsletter!

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That's great news; I will keep an eye out for it 🙌👏

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Oh hey, you've changed my life... blown my mind... was just here for the meal planning (which is FIRE) but learned how to use regex and not have to replicate all my rules for automations! You're the best.

Just a few things I learned that might make life easier for folks doing this in the future;

1. The format for the regular expression is regex:/.*(item|item).*/ this is what goes into the field in Trello.

2. ChatGPT has saved me 20 years of my life by formatting long raw ingredients lists into categories (like dairy, deli, meat, pantry, etc) and generating the regular expressions

3. Trello doesn't seem to like spaces in these regular expressions, so you will need to use dashes; both in the rule, AND in the ingredients lists, AND in recipe titles. For example, olive-oil. This matters for me because I want rules for the shopping list to automatically categorise groceries into supermarket departments (like freezer, dry goods, deli, and so on). The deal is: I do the grocery list in an easily usable way and my partner goes to the store, so it's a big one!

4. You can use the flag "i" to let trello ignore case sensitivity. For example regex:/.*(chicken).*/i will recognise both Chicken and chicken (and probably ChiCkEn. But I'm not a psychopath).

5. I just used chat GPT to create the regular expressions for my rules using a very long and unformatted list of grocery items that I copied from my regular shopping list. Just saying, for any folks out there typing it out item by item!p0-

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Yessss this is amazing!! Thank you for these additioanl protips!!

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Hi 👋 This is awesome! I'll definitely try that. You should be able to cut the beginning of the video on youtube and save, we do that regularly with our podcast :)

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Ah yes, I probably should figure that part out 😂 I'm new to this whole livestreaming thing so working out all the pieces and learning the software still.

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